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Bharatanjali Academy for Indian Dances is the foremost institute of its kind in Kerala. 'Bharatanjali', based in Thiruvananthapuram, has been in the vanguard of training young artistes in the nuances of South Indian classical dances, and has carved a niche with high quality and commitment as its hallmark. Established in 1995, Bharatanjali is renowned in the dance fraternity of Kerala for its exacting standards and the high quality of training.
The Objective
While there are many training centres for Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniyattam in Kerala, very few institutions went beyond imparting basic training to the students. Students learnt these sublime dance forms with narrow aims like competing for dance competitions and stage performances. There was a felt need for a centre which went beyond the mundane, which would cater to a dedicated and committed student group. Bharatanjali has strict standards, where the frivolous student has no place. The objective of Bharatanjali is to provide instruction in Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi and Mohiniyattam at the highest level for a limited number of talented and serious students.The Director
And who better to take on this challenge than Dr Neena Prasad, researcher, academician and performer extraordinaire? With over 12 years of extensive training at the feet of renowned masters such as Adyar Lakshmanan and Vempatti Chinnasatyam, Dr Neena Prasad was an acclaimed performer of Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi before deciding to concentrate on Mohiniyattam. Her doctorate in dance from Rabindrabharati University, and her research fellowships with the Department of Culture has sharpened her academic interests. Dr Neena has recently completed a post doctoral fellowship from the AHRB Research Centre for Cross Cultural Music and Dance Performance, University of Surrey. UK.The Location
Bharatanjali Academy of Indian Dances (BAID),TARA 102,
Vanchiyoor P.O.
695 035
Tel: +91 471 2300 320
Tel: +91 471 2576 610
Email: drneenaprasad@gmail.com