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‘Ananya festival – Tauryathrikam’
‘The pick of the performances was by the immaculately coordinated Mohiniyattam group from Thiruvananthapuram‚ led by Neena Prasad whose designing of Tauryathrikam captured the ingredients of Mohiniyattam in a non stop rendition . Stepping out from darkness in the rear like apsaras in their off white and gold costume with green blouse‚ the dancers gracefully swaying in unison to a ‘tarita takurita’ chollukettu‚ dissolved into scenes of churning the ocean with Mohini emerging and outwitting the asuras... Pandattam portraying sakhis enjoying a ball game and the ritualistic homage to Vishnu in procession rendered to Madhavan Namboodiri’s singing of a dignified Todi‚ unobtrusively flowed into the ashtapadi 'Haririha Mugdhavadhoo Nikare’ the depiction of Krishna sporting with the gopis – the obvious Gita Govinda choice for group treatment‚ the music in Arabhi‚ Kalyani and Suruti changing to a tillana in Natakuranji as finale...’